Youth Group at MVC
Sundays - 5:45 PM to 8:00 PM during the school year
Mountain View Chapel offers a biblically-based discipleship program for anyone who is serious about their walk with Jesus Christ. While the majority of students in the ministry also consider Mountain View their home church, on any given night at least a quarter of the attendees at Youth Group are not Mountain View attendees. If short, any teen who does not attend Mountain View Chapel is welcome to attend our Youth Group, provided their home church does not have a youth meeting on that same night. If there is a conflict, we advise attendance at the youth program in their home church.
Students in 7th through 12th grades are welcome.
Students in 7th through 12th grades are welcome.

What happens at Youth Group?
Each night features a game or activity followed by a challenging message with a time set aside for prayer at the end. While the general structure of Youth Group is the same, the content can vary greatly in order to appeal to the wide cross-section of teens who attend any given night. Teens are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and embrace and enjoy all sorts of athletic, musical, and thought-based games and activities. In addition, lessons vary in format, with some nights using a small-group model, other nights using a Socratic teaching model, and other nights using a sermon or lecture format. The change of pace keeps the nights from becoming mundane and predictable and also enables students who learn and retain information in different ways to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Most nights, the group splits by junior and senior high for lessons and by young men and young ladies for prayer time. Some nights the entire group stays to hear the same lesson and some nights the young men and women will pray in groups together.
There is no set curriculum in order to allow for topical flexibility. Lessons are based on situations that arise in the neighborhood, in the culture, or even in the Youth Group itself. There are special evenings like Q&A Nights on the fifth Sunday of the month in which teens ask anonymous questions and the leaders answer those questions and Worship Nights in which the Mountain View worship leader is brought in to lead the group in praise and worship music prior to the lessons.
There is no set curriculum in order to allow for topical flexibility. Lessons are based on situations that arise in the neighborhood, in the culture, or even in the Youth Group itself. There are special evenings like Q&A Nights on the fifth Sunday of the month in which teens ask anonymous questions and the leaders answer those questions and Worship Nights in which the Mountain View worship leader is brought in to lead the group in praise and worship music prior to the lessons.

Before Youth Group
Many nights there are opportunities to arrive early for various games and activities and dinner. Most Sundays during the school year, teens have the opportunity to come as early as 3:30 PM to take part in a game of flag football, volleyball, basketball, or softball, depending on the season we are in. Sometimes with parents too! Teens who are not so athletic are welcome to come early and play board games. Regardless, all who come early sit down to dinner together before the start of Youth Group. It is a great chance to exercise both body and mind and play as a team prior to the start of Youth Group.

Our Leaders
Headed up by a husband and wife team for the last 23 years along with a group of committed adult volunteers, teens are encouraged to ask questions and are treated with respect and dignity as becoming of all who are made in God’s image. Believing that teens are not just “the future of the church” but rather a part of the Body of Christ here and now, the youth program is constantly encouraging teens to get involved with their home church in order to utilize their God-given gifts for the glory of His kingdom.